Wheelwright Tools


“In the past 25 years I have visited many Amish shops (more than one in each state) in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Indiana. I studied Melvin Dewitt’s book over and over, but your video took the mystery out of wheel building. Thank you!”

Paul Desens

“In this day and age we have some overnight wheelwrights who figure the old way was the old way and rules were made to be ignored. Dave Engel of Montana is one of the best living wheelwrights. He is an old-style master wheelwright and he is a modern craftsman looking to understand and share the principles of his chosen craft. I recently viewed Dave’s two new videos and was thunderstruck with the clarity and detail depth of both. These are without doubt two of the ABSOLUTE best instructional videos I have ever seen on ANY subject let alone wheelwrighting.”

Lynn Miller, Editor, Small Farmers Journal, smallfarmersjournal.com

“…the material you provided was excellent! When you zoomed in – it really helped to see the pencil marks or the sanding angles, etc. Very awesome! … I was amazed that an 1/8th of an inch or even a 1/16th of an inch could make that much difference in a wheel.”

Kayo Fraser, Wild Horse Books, wildhorsebooks.com



We also have a wheelwright tool kit available. This complete set includes an adjustable tenon auger, two sizes of spokes cones, and a traveler and sells for $497.50.

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Spoke cones are available individually also.

The smaller cone sells for $57.20 and the larger cone sells for $71.95.

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The adjustable tenon auger sells for $287.10

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The traveler is available individually for $81.25

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